Areas of Research



The Universe exhibits some remarkable features: It looks the same in all directions at every point in space. It possesses a background radiation that is uniform to a high degree. And it is flat. These, and other features, lead to initial conditions that are unnatural and nongeneric.
The solution to the problem of a very specific set of initial conditions is an era of rapid, accelerated expansion in the early stages of the Universe called inflation. For example, such an inflationary phase would wash out any inhomogeneities.
Due to ever increasing accuracy of measurements of the cosmological parameters, identifying the microphysics that lead to inflation is an active and interesting area of research.



After inflation, the Universe needs to be populated with all the particles that we observe today. This process is what is called reheating. This era is what in modern cosmology is dubbed the Hot Big Bang.
But since we do not know yet the specifics of inflation, we know even less about reheating. So this is an area that deserves a lot of attention.

Dark Matter


Matter contributes about 30% to the energy density of the Universe. Only a sixth of that is ordinary matter that we can identify: you, me, the screen you are looking at, the Earth, the stars, the galaxies, but mostly dust. We know that the rest, about 25% of the Universe, is not of the same kind as you and me (baryons). Direct detection experiments have not produced positive results that point to a new elementary particle that constitutes the dark matter.
Other dark matter candidates are massive compact objects in size comparable to stars. Recently, it was conjectured that primordial black holes could make up the dark matter. Those black holes do not form from stellar remnants. They form very early when the Universe is still extremely hot and dense. The main difference to astronomical black holes is that they there is no lower limit on their mass.
Observational limits on the abundance of primordial black holes allow for them to constitute the dark matter (or conceivably parts of it). My research explores this opportunity with an emphasis on models that lead to a natural production, that does not rely on fine tuning.